Understand RACGP's
5th Standards
& Accreditation on one page.

Simplified Accreditation preparation
As a practice manager of 11 GP's, 4 nurses, 7 receptionist, 7 allied and 2 visiting specialists, while planning Accreditation, I was unable to visualise the scope and context of the Standards.
Where to start and how to allocate and track tasks was unclear.
The 3 Modules, 17 Standards, 44 Criterions and 120 Indicators across 184 pages were all calling for my attention.
After successful Accreditation,
I designed what I wished I had beforehand.
The 5th map [above] displays what needs to be done and the Checklists map [below] displays all checklisted items.

The 5th map is a real map designed to be on a wall and seen everyday by the practice manager and partners, doctors, nurses, reception and allied.
The high resolution maps are formally and exclusively licensed by RACGP as an accepted resource to understand the Standards
for the 1000 days between Accreditations and
to prepare and manage pre-Accreditation activities.
The 5th map is supported by AGPAL and in use 480+ practices.
There is a structured flow of information and wide margins for resource and task tracking. It will become a home for
Accreditation and quality improvement activities.
The 5th map compliments all existing Accreditation resources.

Below are sample lines from:
Core [green] or General Practice [blue] or Quality Improvement [maroon]
displaying layers of Standards, Criterions and Indicators.
Content text is:
Coloured Indicator numbers, strictly as per the Standards.
Concise real-world text straight to the point of what is to be done.
Page of the Standards for further reference as necessary .

At $330 this is affordable for all practices inclusive of custom printing, royalty to RACGP, delivery and GST.
By encouraging multi-year awareness and compliance should avoid dormant years followed by an intense last-minute rush.
Use the maps to bring the practice team with you, allow them to contribute, save time, money and protect your focus.
The 5th map also demonstrates the practice is being accredited, not the practice manager.
Feedback from Practices